Monday, October 27, 2008

Updates from forever ago

I wrote these down, and people said it would be good to keep them.

July 18:

Still no kitchen, who can actually guess how long it will be now.

The first few months in Columbus was a stumbling act, I'm finally getting on my feet.

I have a new idea for a documentary and I'm really excited, I also am entering a 48 hour film contest in August.

I have been trying to buy a 7 dollar television set for about a week now and they won't sell it to me.

Both dogs are fine again, and I can take them to the park once more. I don't know who was missing that more actually.

I am happy, and someone gave me a gift that really made me dance a little on the inside. I just wish she hadn't left for 6 months.

Gas was 3.90 when I bought it today.
May 17:

Still no kitchen, it is 16 days past due. If I were to guess, I'd say 5 more weeks.

Just saw Flight of the concords.

I've said enough is enough, and so I've had enough.

Job didn't work out, going back on the look out.

I met John McCain, and saw Al Gore speak within two weeks of each other.

Edwards finally tossed his support of Obama now, so I guess I'm all in.

Finally finishing up this script, and starting a new one.

Possibility of a new series starting involving Mini golf.

I am digging my new friends in Columbus, and I hope to make more.

Emma(dog age 1) was thought to have a serious aliment, but as it turns out she is just a puppy.

Gas is $3.92, and I need to change my oil.
October 28th:

It has been 5 months since my dear friend left and I'll be happy to have her back in one month.

Emma has eaten more of Kiersten's shoes then I've owned in the last 5 years.

The kitchen just needs a floor, but still, no kitchen. Lights in the kitchen though.

I got a job in my field finally.

I spent 18 days in Pittsburgh and did not get to see everyone I wanted to. I shall return.

I need to spend more time finishing a script then thinking about finishing a script.

My schedule as I have it now has me working about 60 hours per week.

My father moved to Kansas because....well I have no idea.

I have already voted in the 2008 election, no Casinos in my state man.

I want to have a new movie and demo reel out by the new year. Also a new website. We'll see how motivated I can become.

I find that when I'm away from Columbus now, I feel like I'm away from home.

I love my dogs very much.

I fixed my headlight the other day.

I have a girlfriend who I think is swell.

Gas is $2.27.

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